Four Advent Sessions: A Time to Wake from Our Hypnotic Sleep - ONLINE ZOOM, 4 Sessions

2022 - Wednesdays November 23, November 30, December 7 and December 14
Presented by:
Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB

Program Description


4 Sessions - 90 minutes each

Time: 3:00 p.m. EST - Toronto

3:00 p.m New York

12:00 p.m. San Francisco

20:00 London

21:00 Rome

22:00 Jerusalem

07:00 a.m. Melbourne (next day)

The birth of Jesus into human history was the true fulfillment of the hopes and longings, dreams and desires of the people of ancient Israel. Through four conferences, we will consider the richness of the Hebrew Scriptures from Isaiah and the Advent Sunday Gospels from Matthew to help us better prepare for the Lord’s coming among us this year. Matthew’s Infancy story of Jesus reminds us to make Advent a time of peaceful trust in God's providence and to make Christmas a celebration in which we open our eyes, minds and hearts to the universal call of the newborn Lord. We will also consider the spiritual significance of Hanukkah and Advent when both faith communities draw on the symbols of candles and lights that shatter the winter darkness.

For more information contact:

Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB

Ordained in 1986, is a member of the Congregation of St. Basil (Basilian Fathers), a biblical scholar, lecturer, author and retreat director. Fr. Rosica studied theology and Sacred Scripture in Toronto, Rome and Jerusalem. From 1990-1994, he lectured in the English and French biblical programs in the Ecce Homo Centre for Biblical Formation in Jerusalem.He was formerly Pastor and Executive Director of the Newman Centre Catholic Mission at the University of Toronto. Formerly he was National Director and CEO of World Youth Day 2002 in Canada and the founding CEO of the Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation in Canada.


$75.00 USD


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